The Saint Bernard The Saint Bernard does not wish to wear a brandy keg around his neck, but you might be able to train him to bring you a beer. With a heart that’s as kind as his body is big, this lovable giant makes a fantastic family good friend and protector. He is sweet,…
Tag: dog breeds
Bichon Frise
Bred specifically to be a companion, the Bichon Frise is a wonderfully caring canine. Due to the fact that his task was to entertain, his awesome collection of tricks made him an ideal circus pet dog. Today, though, he’s regularly found entertaining his people in your home. A lapful of charm in a cotton-ball…
Shih Tzu
The compact Shih Tzu is the ideal canine buddy. Initially reproduced for royalty in China, this little guy still considers himself a prince amongst pet dogs. A true sweetie, his purpose in life is to be and love loved. Mischievous and playful, he will take your shoes. As soon as the treasured lap dog of…
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgeback The Rhodesian Ridgeback is simple to identify among a canine crowd: He’s the one with the tiny Mohawk diminishing his spine. Expressive eyes reflect the delicate spirit of this large, smart pet who likes to run and play. He’s not a barker, however a Ridgie will safeguard his household. The Rhodesian Ridgeback…